Wednesday 25 May 2016

Maya Handle Experiments

After experimenting with blade shapes in Maya, I decided to move over to the modelling of the handle, so the entire knife would be soon complete. Once again, I modelled two different handle shapes just so I could get two rough ideas, so I could pick from them later. I began modelling from the initial blade shape so the two components of the knife were attached.

The image below is my first handle experiment. Again, it is based off of my previous sketched ideas and finalised Photoshop ideas. Personally, I like the unique and natural look which as a whole makes it look professional and realistic. This experiment is possibly the one I will choose to move onto development.

The second experiment that I did is fairly different to the first experiment in terms of shape; the first handle is fairly chunky, whereas this handle is fairly narrow. Other features give it completely different look, such as an added guard and pommel. This experiment gives off a vintage look due to its sword like shape, however, many modern combat knifes still use this similar shape, according to my research on the matter.

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