Monday 9 May 2016

As part of my Photoshop experiments, I decided to look into different sky textures on Google so I could take inspiration from them. After experimenting on Photoshop, I created the four textures shown above.

The first texture simply shows a cyan-blue background with a few clouds spread across - personally, I think this texture suits the environment and lighting of my scene, due to its natural colour and personality. However, the colours could be considered quite dull - it would probably need more vibrant colours to match my scene perfectly.

The second texture is slightly similar to the first texture, however I've darkened the background to create a night setting. I've also created less clouds to show the night sky better, and incorporated a spread of stars to add an extra level of realism. Once again, this experiment could be considered dull with fairly bland colours. I could consider increasing the contrast of the colours to get realistic and professional looking skies.

For the third texture, I've experimented with a completely different setting; instead of using clouds, I've incorporated some northern lights and spread it across the setting. I've also thrown in some stars to accompany the night sky. This however, doesn't really fit the environment and feel of my scene.

Lastly, the fourth texture is my personal favourite due to its sheer simplicity and realism. For the background, I've mixed a sky blue with a crystal blue to create a gradient, and created a sun to change the mood of the texture. For the clouds, I've thrown in some generic white clouds to express the mood and feel of the texture. There's nothing really to improve on this one and the colours as a whole are perfect and match my scene appropriately.

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