Tuesday 2 February 2016

At first I created a basic robot shape using the brush tool in Photoshop, and used the lasso tool to sharpen the shape and create damage onto the metal. The top six silhouettes are of the same robot in different positions; he's standing still, aiming his gun, running, using tools, crouching and climbing a ladder. The bottom five silhouettes had me thinking of something similar, but in a way, different. I went for the same torso, head and arms, but replaced the legs with a wheel. I also made the gun protrude from the arm instead of making it a part of the arm itself.

Personally, I prefer the top layer of silhouettes, mainly because it looks more professional and neater to create in Maya. To make the set of silhouettes clean and professional, I added a shadow effect onto each silhouette, as well as a metallic background, to fit the theme of metal and robots.

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