Tuesday 9 February 2016

History of Digital Modelling

  • Ben Laposky uses an oscilloscope to show waveforms which were photographed as artwork.
  • Mr Potato Head is invented, which later starred in the first Toy Story film.
  • William Fetter invents the term computer graphics for his human factors cockpit drawings.
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed by Xerox.
  • Full colour interactive flight simulator is created for NASA by Rod Rougelet.
  • Bui-Toung Phong introduces Phong Shading.
  • Larry Cuba creates a Death Star simulation for Star Wars using Grass.
  • James Blinn introduced bump mapping.
  • Disney released Tron, the first biggest computer graphics film.
  • Autodesk introduced the first PC-based CAD (computer-aided design) software.
  • Lucasfilm produced Willow, a movie that popularises morphing.
  • VGA (Video Graphics Array) is invented by IBM.
  • Adobe Illustrator is born.
  • Photoshop is released to Adobe.
  • The Lawnmower Man is released, a 3D effects film.
  • Jurassic Park and Toy Story is released.
  • DreamWorks is founded by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen.
  • Star Wars Episode One – The Phantom Menace is released, using 66 digital characters composited with live action.
History of Digital Animation

1824 Peter Roget introduces his paper titled 'The Persistence of Vision With Regard to Moving Objects' to the British Royal Society.
1831 Dr. Joseph Antoine and Dr. Simon Rittrer create a machine called a phenakitstoscope.
1872 Eadweard Muybridge gathers photographs of animals in motion.
1887 Thomas Edison begins researching  work into motion pictures.
1889 Thomas Edison announces his creation of the kinetoscope which distended a 15m length of film in around 13 seconds.
1892 Emile Renynaud introduces the Theatre Optique in the Musee Grevin, which displays an animation of images painted on long strips of celluloid.
1895 Louis and Augustine Lumiere distributed a patent for a device called a cinematograph efficient enough to project moving pictures.
1896 Thomas Armat designed the vitascope which projected Thomas Edison’s films. This machine had a massive impact on all projectors afterwards.
1908 Emile Cohl produces Phantasmagoria which was the first film depicting white figures on a black background.
1919 Pat Sullivan creates the American cartoon Felix the Cat.
1923 Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio is founded by Walt and Roy Disney.
1945 Harry Smith produces an animation by drawing directly onto film.
1964 Ken Knowlton begins developing computer techniques for producing animated movies.
1982 Tron is produced, a movie with computer generated premises.
1988 Willow uses morphing in live-action film.
1993 Jurassic Park is produced, using CG for realistic living creatures.
1995 Toy Story is created, the first full-length 3D CG feature film.

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