Tuesday 9 February 2016

Visual Art Movements and Practices (Graffiti)
Graffiti is widely used and drawn in suburban areas of cities, scrawled across thousands of walls in attempt to either send a message or express their art in a fun and unique way. Although the most common graffiti is called a ‘tag’ which is literally just the artist’s name in a unique style, street art can sometimes be a large image with no actual meaning. Even sometimes there can be a story in the street art which only a few people may pick up. Despite authorities calling this form of art vandalism, Graffiti is one of the most beautiful, common pieces of art in the 21st century.

The most well-known names that appear in Graffiti art include the likes of Banksy and Shepard Fairey. Banksy is most known for his award-winning documentary titled ‘Exit Through The Gift Shop’ which highlights Banksy’s unique sense of artistic vision and self-referential style. Shepard Fairey is, founder of the company OBEY, is well known for his Obama Hope Poster and his Andre the Giant Obey Poster, although he has moved on from this and focused his career on fashion.

Due to its unnatural behaviour on historical landmarks, global organisations are trying to combat the system of graffiti in its tracks altogether, to keep the earth at its best and to prevent it from being ‘vandalised’ by graffiti artists or street artists. Although, graffiti is now recognised as a matter of study in universities in attempt to spark a revolution and a street-art uprising.

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