Monday 8 February 2016

Myself as an Artist
As an artist/designer I am influenced by artists such as Yun Ling and Ji Ruan. I am inspired by mysterious themed pieces of art; art that features vast cultures. I mainly work in Maya and Photoshop, as these two key programmes are vital to create my robot for my project. As an artist/designer, I use various techniques and methods such as bold colours and tone; for example, when creating a Photoshop piece, my work is not complete without some sort of tone or shadow on the object or its surroundings. I prefer to work around my peers as they can constantly give me feedback and help on my work, specifically around my tutors as they have more knowledge than me on programmes such as Maya and Photoshop.

The purpose of my work is to create robot concepts as part of my Mechanical Marvel project. It’s also to create professional pieces of work and to show the progress of my knowledge in programmes such as Maya and Photoshop. I like to see how well I’ve done in learning about software and the tools/techniques involved. I am most proud of the professionalism of my robot; the shapes have been very neatly constructed using Maya and the textures have been very neatly applied to the surface of the robot. The use of colour is also a factor as I’ve been consistent with my use of chosen colours; I’ve constantly stuck with the same three colours.

I’d like my work to develop by learning new tools and techniques in programmes such a Maya. I’d like to learn how to texture better, animate better and model better. Personally, I think the style of realism resembles my work the most, as I’ve used high resolution textures and created natural looking objects.

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