Wednesday 13 April 2016

For this document, I've sketched out three different knife shapes so I could get a rough idea of the shape of it so I can develop from there. I've also annotated the different features of each knife and spoken about my ideas regarding them all.

 For this sketch, my mind was set on tropical related environments, so I recreated Maya Bay in the Phi Phi Islands and drew the large rocks in the background for added effect. I then proceeded to sketch a knife (not finalised version) into the sand. Other features in the sketch include the ocean and waves, making the sketch more realistic. This sketch is one of the competitors but at this point, I was looking for something more basic/realistic.

 For this sketch, I took into account my initial thoughts for this project and sketched it onto Photoshop. The end result is as shown above, which reflects my initial thoughts very well. I also took into account my recreation of the Far Cry 3 poster and sketched down my ideal setting. I included large sand hills in the background, along with wind physics to the leather strap, making it look more realistic. This is still my favourite idea as it reflects my initial thought process at the start of the project period.

For the final sketch, I decided to experiment with other environments. Immediately, my thought process was set on trees, so I sketched down a forest environment, with the knife standing up in the dirty, very much like the previous two sketches. The sketch contains very few features, but is still an idea regardless - I included a rough dirt terrain and lowered the wind physics on the leather strap. This idea could possibly be improved more but didn't appeal to me in the slightest, so I decided to look at our other two sketches...

After discussing my plans with my peers and tutors, I ended up planning my scene on the desert environment, purely because of the simplicity and realism of the idea. I will base my ideas and development up on the picture shown to the left - I will recreate, model, texture and render the image to my desired standard, and so it fits the merit criteria.

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