Wednesday 16 March 2016


Student Negotiated Final Major Project


UAL Level 3 Diploma in Art & Design


Student Name

Student Number

Andy Sheffield


Centre Name

Centre Number

Birmingham Metropolitan College


Subject Specialism

 Prop Modelling

Working Title or Theme of FMP

 Knife Desert Scene

Number of words

Personal Tutor                                                   Course Leader


Chris Pearce





SECTION ONE – The Final Major Project
My idea for this project is to create a desert scene containing a focused knife buried in the sand. I will model the knife on Maya and will take inspiration from reference images that I will collect, and I will texture it in fine detail to the best of my ability. The desert scene will take inspiration from a very simple desert like the Saharan, and will probably implement some sort of particle effect in Unreal Engine to add extra detail and to make it even more realistic. In addition to this, I will look into physics of the Unreal Engine so I can create an interesting effect on the knife. For example; a loose piece of cloth on the knife which could be fluttering around in a desert storm, along with a sand particle effect.
Ultimately, my aim for this project is to make a photorealistic scene of a knife in a desert to the best of my ability, containing a wide range of effects and detail.

SECTION TWO – Influences, Research, Sources and Ideas
As stated prior to this, I will take influence from reference pictures of knives that I've found in the real world and apply ideas from it onto my model. I will undertake a fair amount of research during the production of this project, such as different types of knife materials, shapes and sizes, as well as sand desert colour and shape. I will also undertake research on camera angles and what positions are best to get the finest looking scene possible. My basic understanding of camera angles involves making an object the main subject of the image, to make it stand out from everything else on the scene; in my case, I will add a depth of field effect to the background so that the knife is in focus, thus making the viewer’s eyes lead straight to it rather than erratically wandering around the page.

SECTION THREE – Techniques, Processes and Timetables
The techniques I will use in the production of my scene will mainly be used on three main softwares; Photoshop CC, Maya 2016 and the Unreal Engine. As of now, I am only able to use Photoshop and Maya comfortably, due to the fact that I've never used the Unreal Engine before, and have yet to learn the basics of it. However, throughout the weeks of production, I will hopefully learn the basic techniques involved in it so I can employ it onto my scene ideas. My production time will be split into around ten sections throughout the whole of the project, starting off with the basic research, and ending with a final model/animation. I will spend around two weeks on research, modelling and texturing, while I will spend different segments of my time on different areas of my project; as of now, I am unsure of what I will be spending additional time on.

SECTION FOUR – Method of Evaluation (guide 150 words)
For my method of evaluation, I will answer different questions regarding my project. For example, what were my initial ideas? How did I develop these ideas? Were these ideas successful? How did I manage my time during the process of my project? What reference material did I find and how useful was it? How did I use my skill and knowledge to create my idea etc. The questions may obviously be different, but they all follow a similar pattern – the timeline and process of my project. I will analyse if my work is successful by following feedback sheets given to me by my peers and tutor, and will detect if a piece of work is complete or to a desired standard. The feedback sheet is split into three different parts – pass, merit and distinction. As for my work, I'm aiming for a merit so each stage of the project will need to fit the merit criteria.

APPENDIX – Use this appendix for your bibliography and/or action plan for your Final Major Project
For my research, I will gather different types of reference sources and link them accordingly. I will gather website links, artist links, and photos, and I will set them out neatly so, as a result, it suits my criteria.


Webpages (n.d) (Accessed: 26th May 2016) (n.d) (Accessed: 9th May 2016) (n.d) (Accessed: 9th May 2016) (n.d) (Accessed: 9th May 2016)

 (n.d) (Accessed: 25th April 2016) (n.d) (Accessed: 6th May 2016)

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing your article is helpfull
